Our club generally meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm. Unless we have a special event (e.g., club contests, holiday gatherings, etc), our meetings are typically conducted in the following format. Guests who visit our club often first comment on our level of professionalism, organization, and friendliness. These are the qualities we value and seek to obtain at every club meeting!
Meeting Segments:
Meeting Roles & Functionaries:
What is Pathways?
Which Paths can I choose from?
Dynamic Leadership
Innovative Planning
Effective Coaching
Engaging Humor
Leadership Development
Presentation Mastery
Motivational Strategies
Persuasive Influence
Strategic Relationships
Team Collaboration
Visionary Communication
How long will it take me to complete a Path?
What can I do after I complete my Path?
Toastmasters is an international non-profit educational organization and world leader in communication and leadership development. Since 1924, Toastmasters has helped more than 4 million people become confident speakers and leaders, with its membership over 435,000 strong. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of 15,500 clubs in more than 140 countries that make up our global network.
Warner Center Toastmasters is a club chapter of Toastmasters International. Whether you're looking to increase your self-confidence and leadership potential, ignite your career or win that next job interview, Toastmasters can help!
Our club meetings are friendly and lively! Members offer plenty of encouragement and support to one another. You will learn and laugh as you listen to the stories, experiences, and ideas of other members. The best way to truly gauge the atmosphere of a club is to visit them - we would love to have you visit a club meeting as our guest!
Only if you feel comfortable doing so. Guest and members alike are never forced to participate, however, we encourage all in attendance to speak.
Yes! Many of our members start out feeling very uncomfortable in front of an audience. In a supportive environment supplemented by friendly coaching and through the observation of excellent role models, most people quickly grow into competent and persuasive speakers.
As soon as a new member joins our club, they may sign up with the Vice President of Education to present a prepared speech. We encourage new members to initially take on meeting roles to familiarize themselves with the club format but if they are determined to begin making speeches, we more than welcome it!
It completely depends on your own initiative and drive. It is recommended that you sign up for speeches or different meeting roles on a regular basis. The more you put into the meetings, the more you will get out of them. Everyone in the club wants you to become a successful speaker!
Dues are payable on a bi-annual basis (every 6 months). New members may join at any time during the year and the dues are pro-rated. Further information and an application packet may be obtained from the President or the Vice President of Membership at any of the club meetings.
Membership is open to all. We invite you to join any of our meetings as a guest. After the meeting, ask the Vice President of Membership for an application form if you wish to join.
The following are a few questions that we often get asked by guests who visit our club. If you have any questions that are not listed here, feel free to contact us and we will reach back to answer them as soon as possible.
What is Toastmasters?
What is your club atmosphere like?
Will I be called upon to speak if I attend a meeting as a guest?
Can I become a member even if I am not a good speaker?
When can I start making speeches?
How dedicated is a member expected to be?
What are the dues for membership?
How do I join Warner Center Toastmasters?